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7.3  Dealing with Cycles

We consider first the problem of finding paths in a graph. The problem of finding traversals will then be seen as a straightforward extension of our solution to the problem of finding paths in a cyclic graph. Furthermore, we begin by representing graphs directly as Prolog programs, using an explicit arcs/2 relation to implement a collection of adjacency lists. This simplifies our path-finding predicate slightly. Then we move on to consider the case where the graph is represented as a list of adjacency lists, and so must be passed around as an argument to the relevant predicates and accessed with general-purpose list processing predicates like member/2.

Suppose we have the graph illustrated in figure 7.3. The set of nodes is just the four element set {a,b,c,d }, and the arc relation is as given below.
  arcs( a, [b,c] ).
  arcs( b, [a,d] ).
  arcs( c, [b] ).
  arcs( d, [] ).

Figure 7.3: A sample graph.

Naively, we might define a path/3 predicate for this graph in essentially the same way that we implemented it for trees, that is, by simply taking the reflexive transitive closure of the arc relation, compactly encoded by the arcs/2 predicate.
path( X, Y, [] ) :- X = Y. 
path( X, Y, P ) :-
    arcs( X, ArcList ),
    member( Z, ArcList ),
    P = [Z|PTail],
    path( Z, Y, PTail ).
However, because there is a loop in the graph, taking us from node b back to node a, there is an infinite branch in the search tree for path/3. It gets worse! Because the upward pointing arc---from b back to a---will be found first by member/2, before the downward pointing arc to d, Prolog will find this infinite branch before it finds any other. And because the clause for b is earlier than the clause for c in the definition of arcs/2, note that Prolog will even fail to find a path from a to c! Clearly, if we want to be able to find paths in an arbitrary graph, something extra has to be done. Recalling the example of finite state automata, where we looked at an automaton that gave us essentially the same problem, we already know one solution we can apply. We observe that the data structure definition predicate list/1 will enumerate the lists in order of increasing length. Given that paths are encoded as lists of node names, we can redefine the problem as follows.
list([_|L]):- list(L).

?- list(P), path(a,Y,P ).
This technique, where we simulate breadth-first search using repeated bounded depth-first searches actually has a name: it is called iterative deepening. Here each successive call to path/3, in effect, deepens the search by one level of the search tree.

This solution, by the simulation of iterative deepening, still finds an infinite number of (ever longer) paths from a to d, for example. Almost all of these paths, however, are arrived at by following a loop in the graph. There are only two ways of reaching d from a which are truly unique: [a,b,d] and [a,c,b,d]. All the others are arrived at by following the loop. What want to do here is not to find all of the paths but rather all of the cycle-free paths.

A neat way to do this is to note that, after all, we are computing a path from one node to another. To find out if we have visited a particular node yet, we should be able to just search the path we are constructing to see if that node is on it yet. However, path/3 is not designed in such a way that we can do this intuitively appealing thing. The part of the path that we have already seen is not represented as a variable in the code, so we have no access to it; the only part of the path which we can actually examine is the tail of the path, the nodes we are going to visit in the future, and this is no help at all to us! So we modify the code slightly so as to keep track of the nodes we have actually visited, giving us path/4, below.
path( X, Y, P ) :- % path/3 redefined
    path( X, Y, [X], P ).

path( X, X, Path, Path ).
path( X, Y, PIn, POut ) :-
    arcs( X, L ),
    member( Z, L ),
    nonmember( Z, PIn ), % Been here before?
    path( Z, Y, [Z|PIn], POut ).
This code uses a technique, called accumulator pairs, which is used everywhere in logic programming, and which we will examine in some detail when we study the control and optimization of logic programs. Here we note only that, while the logical, ``declarative'' semantics of this program may be at this moment somewhat obscure, it should be reasonably clear what it does. If we type in a goal like
  ?- path( a, d, P ).
then this code will begin by initializing the ``path-so-far'' argument to a list containing only the starting point of the search. Then we call path/4, which does the real work. When we finally reach our destination, and the base clause applies, then we simply pass the contents of the ``path-so-far'' argument PIn over to the output argument POut. This is then passed up to the calling goal and from it to the goal that called it, and so on up the chain of recursive calls to path/4 and thence to path(a,d,P), our original goal. Note that whereas in path/3 we actually built up the path ``on the way up out'' of the recursion, here we are building it up ``on the way down in.'' This means that at every point, we can see where we have been so far, by examining the PIn variable. In this case we do that with a call to nonmember/2.

As usual, using nonmember/2 requires defining neq/2, in this case for node names. We can do that in the usual way, with a collection of unit clauses like ``neq(a,b).'' and so forth. But neq/2, like any binary relation, can be seen as defining a graph. This graph has the same set of nodes as the original graph of figure 7.3, but different arcs. There is an arc between two nodes in the ``neq-graph'' whenever they are different nodes. Note that this relation is symmetric, and so technically the neq-graph is our first example of an undirected graph, but we can still use the same adjacency list representation scheme, as follows.
neq( Node1, Node2 ) :-
    neq_arcs( Node1, L ),
    member( Node2, L ).

neq_arcs( a, [b,c,d] ).
neq_arcs( b, [a,c,d] ). 
neq_arcs( c, [a,b,d] ).
neq_arcs( d, [a,b,c] ).
With this code in place, we can now safely search in a graph, even when it contains cycles.

This approach works well when the graph is represented as a Prolog program, with an arcs/2 predicate defined by a collection of unit clauses. There is another even neater approach which we can apply when we represent our graphs using adjacency lists. This approach uses select/3 to mark a node as visited by actually removing that node from the graph. Suppose, then, that our graph is encoded as an instance of the graph/1 predicate.
graph( 1, [a/[b,c],
          ] ).
(This technique is very useful in general for encoding a set of test data, especially when the data involve very complex Prolog terms.) Now we want to define a path/4 predicate so that we can issue queries like
?- graph( G ), path( a, d, G, P ).
Accordingly, we reimplement path so that it includes an argument position for the graph itself.
path( From, To, Graph, [From|Path] ) :-
    p( From, To, Graph, Path ).

p( X, Y, _G, [] ) :- X = Y.
p( X, Y, G, [Z|P] ) :-
    select( X/Arcs, G, SmallerG ),
    member( Z, Arcs ),
    p( Z, Y, SmallerG, P ).
Note that each time through the recursive clause of p/4 we reduce the size of the graph by removing one adjacency record from it. The select/3 predicate fails when its list argument is empty, so we can only call clause 2 a finite number of times before it fails to apply, and clause 1 is nonrecursive, so we can only call it once in any case. So no matter which clause of p/4 Prolog selects, the recursion is bound to terminate. From this one sees immediately that we cannot possibly get caught in a loop: that would contradict the theorem that this program is bound to terminate.

Now we can use the same logic to reimplement our depth first traversal predicate so that it handles (rooted) cyclic graphs. The only essential difference comes from the fact that this is a traversal predicate rather than a search predicate. With p/4, if the call to select/3 fails (the node has already been visited), then the whole call to p/4 fails, we backtrack and try to find a different path. With dft/4, if the call to select/3 fails, we must simply ignore that node and continue. Therefore we need a call to nonmember_/2 so as to be certain that we only ignore nodes that we really have already visited. Similarly, where p/4 calls member/2 to nondeterministically select one way to extend its current path, dft/4 must execute a recursion on the entire list of neighbors, so as to check all ways to traverse the graph.
    GIn = [Root/Neighbors|GInRest], % get the root's neighbors

    nonmember_(N,GIn), % already visited
The predicate nonmember_/2 which is called in clause 3 of df_search_2/3 is not quite the same as the predicate nonmember/2 we have seen before, although it is about as much different from that predicate as its name implies. The trick is that we are asking whether or not a node is still present in a graph and a graph is not a list of nodes, but a list of node/adjacency-list pairs. The code for nonmember_/2 looks like the following and assumes that neq/2 has been implemented.
nonmember_( _, [] ).
nonmember_( X, [Y/_|L] ) :-
    neq( X, Y ),
    nonmember_( X, L ).
So we just pull out the node-part of each node/list pair and check that for inequality with X.

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