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7.4  Routes without Roots

With trees, we could find any node simply by enumerating the paths from the root. We can now do the same for graphs in a way which makes us immune from loops, but we still must assume that there is at least one root. With general graphs we are not so fortunate. There may be many pairs of nodes in a graph between which there is no path.4 So the various implementations of the path predicate are not yet as much help to us as they could be. The path problem introduced us to ways of dealing with loops, but we still have no general-purpose way to be sure that we have visited every node in a graph.

Suppose that we are given a graph G. We can nondeterministically select a node N from G, and begin a traversal of G from N. Unless we are very lucky, both in our choice of G (it is connected and rooted) and of N (it is one of G's roots), a traversal of G starting from N will not reach all of G's nodes. However, we can iterate the procedure on the remaining unvisited nodes, biting off a chunk of G at each iteration, until we have finally visited all of G's nodes.

The definition of df_traversal/2 on page X is almost all we need. In particular, the subroutine dft/4 is already set up to return, in its third argument, whatever remains of the graph when it is done. In the previous definition we simply threw away whatever remained of the graph after the top level call to dft/4 from df_traversal/2. So the only modification we need is to replace the old `one shot' definition of df_traversal/2 with a new recursive one, which calls itself repeatedly until the remainder of the graph is empty. Also, note that instead of starting with the first node in the graph, we call select/3 to choose a starting point nondeterministically. Since we cannot guarantee that our graph has roots, we cannot guarantee that its first element is such a root. So as far as we know one starting point is as good as another. (Actually, some starting points are much better than others, but there is no easy way to know in advance which those are...) This means that this predicate has many more solutions than the rooted version. We can restrict it to return only one solution by always choosing the first node in the graph as our starting place. Finally, the call to append/3 in the recursive clause of df_traversal/2 inserts an `*' to mark the points at which a new ``pseudo-root'' was selected. This divides the output into what we might think of as ``depth-first-reachable components'', approximately.
df_traversal( [], [] ).
df_traversal( G0, [N|Route] ) :-
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),  % select N as a starting point
%    G0 = [N/Ns|G1], <- fewer solutions
    dft( Ns, G1, G, Route1 ), % search from N's neighbors
    df_traversal( G, Route2 ),
dft( [], G, G, [] ).
dft( [N|Rest], G0, G, [N|Route] ) :-
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),  % N is unvisited; mark it visited
    dft( Ns, G1, G2, RouteL ), % go down from N
    dft( Rest, G2, G, RouteR ), % now go across
dft( [N|Rest], G0, G, Route ) :-
    nonmember_( N, G0 ),  % N was visited
    dft( Rest, G0, G, Route ). % so ignore it and keep going
As in the various path predicates, we use the graph-reduction technique to mark nodes as visited. So we use select/3 to access the graph data structure, which simultaneously checks for membership in the graph and deletes the requested element if it is a member (and of course failing if the requested item is not an element of the graph).

This predicate also seves as another illustration of the accumulator pair technique. The careful reader will have noted that we always speak of ``the'' data structure representing the graph, when in fact we use a multitude of different variables to represent it. For example, in clause 2 of dft/4, ``the'' graph appears as the value of G0, G1, G2 and G, each of which are variables with possibly quite distinct values. For now it is probably best to understand accumulator pairs in a procedural manner. From this point of view one can see these chains of graph-valued variables as tracking the evolution of the graph over time. This ``evolutionary'' point of view is considered procedural rather than logical because the introduction of a notion of time brings with it a notion of order: ``first it looks like this, then we change it and it looks like that.'' But the logical interpretation of a clause body is a conjunction of sub-goals, and conjunction is commutative, and so order-free. In the next chapter we will consider the logical semantics of accumulator pairs, and discover thereby some of the most powerful techniques of logic programming. But for now, one should just try to follow how each successive ``G-variable'' marks a phase in the evolution (here ``evolution'' = ``reduction'') of the graph.

The general structure of df_trav/2 is essentially the same as any other simple recursive predicate. In particular, since graphs are implemented as lists of a certain sort and the depth-first search task is essentially a universal task requiring that the entire graph be traversed, it is completely unsurprising that the base case is the case where the graph is empty. The recursion here is not, however, exactly the familiar recursion-on-a-structure. In particular, each step of the recursion does reduce the structure, but the nature of this reduction bears no relation to any set of generating functions which might be used to build up the set of graphs out of primitive elements. Abstractly, we are treating graphs as essentially being built up out of ``depth-first-reachable'' components, sets of nodes which are reachable by a depth-first traversal. Each call to dft/3 removes one of these components (a set of nodes, together with all of the arcs leading out of those nodes), so each recursive call to df_trav/2 does reduce the size of the graph structure, so the recursion is ``well founded'' and the program will terminate. However, once again, the recursion is on an abstract structure, an interpretation of the graph as being made up of ``depth-first-reachable components'' which is not directly related to any feature of the actual Prolog data structure we use to implement and describe the graph.

7.4.1  Other search orders

Consider again the code for dft/3, in particular clause 2.
dft( [], G, G ).
dft( [N|Rest], G0, G ) :-
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),  % N is unvisited; mark it visited
    dft( Ns, G1, G2 ), % go down from N
    dft( Rest, G2, G ). % now go across
dft( [N|Rest], G0, G, Ts ) :-
    nonmember_( N, G0 ),  % N was visited
    dft( Rest, G0, G, Ts ). % so ignore it and keep going
Clause 2 is the clause that does most of the actual work. If we were to apply this general algorithm to a particular problem (as we will in the next subsection) this is the clause where we would do the actual computing that adds information to the output variable(s), since this is the clause in which we have just accessed a brand new unvisited node and its neighbors.

This clause is doubly recursive, calling itself twice on different inputs. This is to be expected if we consider graphs to be generalizations of trees, since the main computational feature of trees is the double recursion (``down'' and ``sideways'') which they require. The only wrinkle is that the double recursion is a call to the very same predicate, but this is not a computationally very significant difference. But now we ask ourselves: does it make a difference in which order we call these two recursions? Well, yes and no. We still visit all the reachable nodes, but we visit them in a very different order.

Now consider the following slight modification of dft/3, clause 2:
dft_b( [N|Rest], G0, G ) :-
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),  % N is unvisited; mark it visited
    append( Ns, Rest, Agenda ),
    dft_b( Agenda, G1, G ).
This is equivalent to the old version. But in this version, the choice of a breadth-first vs. depth-first search order can be made with an almost trivial modification, namely we replace
  append( Ns, Rest, Agenda )
  append( Rest, Ns, Agenda )
We think of the list Agenda as ordering the tasks which our program has to perform. If we treat Agenda as a stack, that is, always adding things at the front, and removing them from the front, then we get the depth-first version illustrated here. On the other hand, computer science offers us an alternative to stacks called queues, which are sequences where we remove things from the front, as with stacks, but we add things at the back. This means that, as a new task is added to the back of the queue, it will not be selected for processing until all the tasks that were already in the queue when it was added have been selected for processing. So, the first version of append/3---append( Ns, Rest, Agenda)---adds new material (Ns) to the front, treating Agenda as a stack, while the second version---append( Rest, Ns, Agenda )---adds the new material to the back, treating Agenda as a queue. We could in fact substitute for the terms ``depth-first'' and ``breadth-first'' the terms ``stack-based'' and ``queue-based''.

Note that there is nothing sacred about stacks and queues. There are many more ways than these to order a collection of tasks. In particular, both strategies always select for processing the first (leftmost) item. This is reflected here in that we unify Agenda with [N|Rest], selecting its head, N, for processing. Consider yet another version of this basic logic:
dft_c( OldAgenda, G0, G ) :-
    choose( N, OldAgenda, Rest ),
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),  
    append( Ns, Rest, NewAgenda ),
    dft_c( NewAgenda, G1, G ).
Here we have replaced the extraction of N from the agenda by means of unification with [N|Rest] with an explicit call to a yet-to-be-defined predicate choose/3. Our current version of graph traversal would simply implement choose/3 as follows.
  choose( N, [N|Rest], Rest ).
However, we could make our choice of N arbitrarily sophisticated, by modifying the definition of choose/3.
choose( N, List, Rest ) :-
    select( N, List, Rest ),
    okay( N ).
The above clause implements a version of choose/3 which nondeterministically selects an N which is okay, whatever we decide that that should mean.

The last version of depth first traversal which we will consider here returns a depth-first search forest, instead of a list. This gives us a more informative picture of how the graph was traversed. In particular, it tells us how we got to the nodes we visited. The idea is this. Depth-first search does not visit any node twice. Therefore, for any node, we can provide a unique sequence of arcs which were used to reach it. This must be true because if the sequence of arcs were not unique, then there would have to be some node which was accessed twice, which we have explicitly avoided doing; so we derive a contradiction. Therefore, for each starting place that we select in df_trav/2, there is a unique path to every node which was visited on the corresponding call to dft/3. This is sufficient to show that the set of nodes which are ``reachable'' from some node N form a tree: the set is rooted (in N) and every member of the set has a unique path from the root. In addition we have that the set forms an ordered tree, since for every node in the tree its immediate subtrees are visited in some definite order. So each starting node defines a tree, so a sequence of starting nodes defines a sequence of trees. This sequence is a depth-first search forest. It is unique for every choice of sequence of starting nodes, but note that that choice is not unique for a given graph, since it is determined by calls to the nondeterministic predicate select/3. So any given graph can have many different search forests.5
df_trees( [], [] ).
df_trees( G0, [T1|Ts] ) :-
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),
    T1 = N/Ts1,
    df_trees_aux( Ns, G1, G, Ts1 ),
    df_trees( G, Ts ).

df_trees_aux( [], G, G, [] ).
df_trees_aux( [N|Rest], G0, G, [T|RestTs] ) :-
    select( N/Ns, G0, G1 ),
    T = N/SubTs,
    df_trees_aux( Ns, G1, G2, SubTs ),
    df_trees_aux( Rest, G2, G, RestTs ).
df_trees_aux( [N|Rest], G0, G, Ts ) :-
    nonmember_( N, G0 ),
    df_trees_aux( Rest, G0, G, Ts ).

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