Class SecondOrderQuantor

  extended by de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.FormulaImpl
      extended by de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.ComposedFormula
          extended by de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.SecondOrderQuantor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Formula, Quantification, Visitable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
SecondOrderExistentialQuantification, SecondOrderUniversalQuantification

public abstract class SecondOrderQuantor
extends ComposedFormula
implements Quantification

A class for representing quantors on second order variables, implementing common methods for existential and universal quantors.

Hendrik Maryns
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected SecondOrderQuantor(SecondOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.
Method Summary
protected  Set<Predicate> computePredicates()
          Compute the set of predicates in this formula.
protected  Set<Variable> computeVariables()
          Compute the set of variables in this formula.
 boolean containsVariable(Variable var)
          Returns whether this formula contains the given variable.
 boolean equals(Object other)
          An object is equal to a quantor if it has the same class (i.e., not only it is a quantor, but it really has the same leaf-level class), the arguments are equal and they bind the same variable.
 Formula getArgument()
          Returns the formula this quantor acts on.
 SecondOrderVariable getBoundVariable()
          Returns the variable that is bound by this quantor.
 Set<Variable> getFreeVariables()
          Return the free variables in this formula.
 int getNbSubformulas()
          Returns the number of subformulas of this formula.
 Formula getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value for the object.
 boolean isFree(Variable variable)
          Check whether the given variable is free in this formula.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of the object.
Methods inherited from class de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.ComposedFormula
getAllSubformulas, getSymbol
Methods inherited from class de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.FormulaImpl
and, exists, exists, forAll, forAll, getPredicates, getVariables, iff, implies, isClosed, not, or
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.Formula
and, exists, exists, forAll, forAll, getNormalForm, getPredicates, getVariables, iff, implies, isClosed, not, or
Methods inherited from interface de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas.Visitable

Constructor Detail


protected SecondOrderQuantor(SecondOrderVariable var,
                             Formula arg)
Initialize a new quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.

var - The variable that is bound by this quantor.
arg - The formula which this quantor acts upon.
The given variable and formula must be effective and the variable must not be bound in the given formula. | var != null && arg != null && (!arg.containsVariable(var) || arg.isFreeVariable(var))
  • The bound variable is set to the given variable. | new.getBoundVariable() == var
  • The formula on which this quantor acts is set to the given formula. | new.getArgument() == arg
  • Method Detail


    public SecondOrderVariable getBoundVariable()
    Returns the variable that is bound by this quantor.

    Specified by:
    getBoundVariable in interface Quantification


    public Formula getArgument()
    Returns the formula this quantor acts on.

    Specified by:
    getArgument in interface Quantification


    protected Set<Variable> computeVariables()
    Compute the set of variables in this formula. The bound variable is treated as the first variable in a quantification.

    Specified by:
    computeVariables in class FormulaImpl


    public Set<Variable> getFreeVariables()
    Return the free variables in this formula. This method should be overridden for efficiency, but this class provides a correct implementation. TODO

    Specified by:
    getFreeVariables in interface Formula
    getFreeVariables in class FormulaImpl
    See Also:


    public boolean containsVariable(Variable var)
    Returns whether this formula contains the given variable.

    Specified by:
    containsVariable in interface Formula
    var - The variable to check.


    public boolean isFree(Variable variable)
    Check whether the given variable is free in this formula.

    Specified by:
    isFree in interface Formula
    variable - The variable to check.


    protected Set<Predicate> computePredicates()
    Compute the set of predicates in this formula.

    Specified by:
    computePredicates in class FormulaImpl


    public int getNbSubformulas()
    Returns the number of subformulas of this formula.

    Specified by:
    getNbSubformulas in class ComposedFormula


    public Formula getSubformulaAt(int index)
                            throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.

    Specified by:
    getSubformulaAt in class ComposedFormula
    index - The index of the wanted subformula. Indices start from 0.
    IndexOutOfBoundsException - [CAN] The index is bigger than or equal to the number of subformulas of this formula, or less than zero | index < 0 || index >= getNbSubformulas()


    public boolean equals(Object other)
    An object is equal to a quantor if it has the same class (i.e., not only it is a quantor, but it really has the same leaf-level class), the arguments are equal and they bind the same variable.

    equals in class FormulaImpl
    If the argument of the other object, viewed as a quantor is not equal to the argument of this quantor, then false. | let otherQuantor = (Quantor) other in | if ( ! getArgument().equals(otherQuantor.getArgument()) ) | then result == false
    If the bound variable of the other object, viewed as a quantor is not equal to the bound variable of this quantor, then false. | let otherQuantor = (Quantor) other in | if ( ! getBoundVariable() == otherQuantor.getBoundVariable()) ) | then result == false


    public int hashCode()
    Returns a hash code value for the object.

    Specified by:
    hashCode in class FormulaImpl
    The hash code is based on the hash codes of the bound variable, the argument and the characteristic symbol. This last one is needed to make the difference between the various subclasses. | result == getSymbol().hashCode() + getBoundVariable().hashCode() + | getArgument().hashCode()


    public String toString()
    Returns a string representation of the object.

    Specified by:
    toString in class FormulaImpl
    The string representation of a quantor is the string representation of its arguments with an appropriate sign in between. | result == "(" + getSymbol() + getBoundVariable().toString() | + ")(" + getArgument().toString() + ")"

    © Copyright 2008 Hendrik Maryns   Creative Commons License