Uses of Interface

Uses of Formula in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas

Subinterfaces of Formula in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas
 interface Quantification
          A class representing a quantification.

Classes in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas that implement Formula
 class AtomicFormula
          A class representing an atomic formula.
 class BinaryJunctor
          A superclass for implication and equivalence, implementing common methods for binary junctors.
 class ComposedFormula
          A class representing a composed formula, i.e. a formula which consists of other formulas, connected by an operator.
 class Conjunction
          A class representing the conjunction of formulas.
 class Disjunction
          A class representing the disjunction of formulas.
 class Dominance
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node dominates another.
 class Equivalence
          A class representing the equivalence in logical formulas.
 class FirstOrderEquality
          A class representing the atomic formula that says two first order variables are equal.
 class FirstOrderExistentialQuantification
          A class representing the existential quantification of a formula over a first order variable.
 class FirstOrderQuantor
          A class for representing quantors on first order variables, implementing common methods for existential and universal quantors.
 class FirstOrderUniversalQuantification
          A class representing universal quantification of a formula over a first order variable.
 class FormulaImpl
          A class providing implementations of the formula interface where possible.
 class ImmediateDominance
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node immediately dominates another.
 class Implication
          A class representing the implication of formulas.
 class Inclusion
          A class representing inclusion of a first order variable in a set denotator.
 class NaryJunctor
          A superclass for conjunction and disjunction, implementing common methods for binary junctors.
 class Negation
          A class representing logical negation of a formula.
 class Precedence
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node precedes another.
 class ProperDominance
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node properly dominates another.
 class SecondOrderEquality
          A class representing the atomic formula that says two variables are equal.
 class SecondOrderExistentialQuantification
          A class representing the existential quantification of a formula over a second order variable.
 class SecondOrderQuantor
          A class for representing quantors on second order variables, implementing common methods for existential and universal quantors.
 class SecondOrderUniversalQuantification
          A class representing universal quantification of a formula over a second order variable.
 class Subset
          A class for representing the atomic formula which says a variable is a subset of another variable
 class UnaryJunctor
          A class representing a unary junctor, having one argument.

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas that return Formula
 Formula Implication.getAntecedent()
          Return the antecedent of this implication.
 Formula SecondOrderQuantor.getArgument()
          Returns the formula this quantor acts on.
 Formula Quantification.getArgument()
          Returns the formula this quantor acts on.
 Formula UnaryJunctor.getArgument()
          Returns the argument.
 Formula FirstOrderQuantor.getArgument()
          Returns the formula this quantor acts on.
 Formula NaryJunctor.getArgument(int index)
          Get the indexth argument.
 Formula Implication.getConsequent()
          Return the consequent of this implication.
 Formula BinaryJunctor.getFirstArgument()
          Returns the first argument.
 Formula FormulaTemplate.getFormula(Variable... inputVariables)
          Return the formula that results from replacing the free variables which were supplied during the creation of this template by the variables supplied as arguments to this method.
 Formula Negation.getNegatedFormula()
          Returns the negated formula.
 Formula Negation.getNormalForm()
          Get a normal form with only conjunction, disjunction, negation and existential quantification.
 Formula FirstOrderUniversalQuantification.getNormalForm()
          Get a normal form with only conjunction, disjunction, negation and existential quantification.
 Formula SecondOrderUniversalQuantification.getNormalForm()
          Get a normal form with only conjunction, disjunction, negation and existential quantification.
 Formula Formula.getNormalForm()
          Get a normal form with only conjunction, disjunction, negation and existential quantification.
 Formula BinaryJunctor.getSecondArgument()
          Returns the second argument.
abstract  Formula ComposedFormula.getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.
 Formula SecondOrderQuantor.getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.
 Formula UnaryJunctor.getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.
 Formula FirstOrderQuantor.getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.
 Formula NaryJunctor.getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the indexth subformula of this formula.
 Formula BinaryJunctor.getSubformulaAt(int index)
          Returns the subformulas this binary junction is built up of.
 Formula FormulaTemplate.getTemplateFormula()
          Return the formula that serves as a template.
 Formula Negation.not()
          The negation of a negation is the formula itself.
 Formula FormulaImpl.not()
          Return the negation of this formula.
 Formula Formula.not()
          Return the negation of this formula.
static Formula Formulas.not(Formula form)
          Return the negation of the given formula.

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas that return types with arguments of type Formula
 List<Formula> ComposedFormula.getAllSubformulas()
          Returns a list containing all subformulas of this formula.

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas with parameters of type Formula
static Conjunction Formulas.and(Formula... forms)
          Return the conjunction of the given formula with that formula.
 Conjunction FormulaImpl.and(Formula that)
          Return the conjunction of this formula with that formula.
 Conjunction Formula.and(Formula that)
          Return the conjunction of this formula with that formula.
static FirstOrderExistentialQuantification Formulas.exists(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula form)
          Return the existential quantification of the given formula over the given first order variable.
 FirstOrderExistentialQuantification FirstOrderVariable.exists(Formula form)
          Returns the existential quantification of the given formula over this variable.
 SecondOrderExistentialQuantification SecondOrderVariable.exists(Formula form)
          Returns the existential quantification of the given formula over this variable.
static SecondOrderExistentialQuantification Formulas.exists(SecondOrderVariable var, Formula form)
          Return the existential quantification of the given formula over the given first order variable.
static FirstOrderUniversalQuantification Formulas.forAll(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula form)
          Return the universal quantification of the given formula over the given variable.
 FirstOrderUniversalQuantification FirstOrderVariable.forAll(Formula form)
          Returns the universal quantification of the given formula over this variable.
 SecondOrderUniversalQuantification SecondOrderVariable.forAll(Formula form)
          Returns the universal quantification of the given formula over this variable.
static SecondOrderUniversalQuantification Formulas.forAll(SecondOrderVariable var, Formula form)
          Return the universal quantification of the given formula over the given variable.
 boolean NaryJunctor.hasAsArgument(Formula form)
          Returns whether this n-ary junctor has the given formula as an argument.
 Equivalence FormulaImpl.iff(Formula that)
          Return the equivalence of this formula with that formula.
 Equivalence Formula.iff(Formula that)
          Return the equivalence of this formula with that formula.
static Equivalence Formulas.iff(Formula first, Formula second)
          Return the equivalence of the given formula with that formula.
 Implication FormulaImpl.implies(Formula that)
          Return the implication of this formula with that formula.
 Implication Formula.implies(Formula that)
          Return the implication of this formula with that formula.
static Implication Formulas.implies(Formula first, Formula second)
          Return the implication of the first formula with the second formula.
static Formula Formulas.not(Formula form)
          Return the negation of the given formula.
static Disjunction Formulas.or(Formula... forms)
          Return the disjunction of the given formula with second formula.
 Disjunction FormulaImpl.or(Formula that)
          Return the disjunction of this formula with that formula.
 Disjunction Formula.or(Formula that)
          Return the disjunction of this formula with that formula.
abstract  void FormulaVisitor.visit(Formula form)
          Visit a formula.

Constructors in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas with parameters of type Formula
Conjunction(Formula... arguments)
          Initialize a new conjunction, taking formulas as conjuncts.
Disjunction(Formula... arguments)
          Initialize a new disjunction, taking formulas as disjuncts.
Equivalence(Formula first, Formula second)
          Initialize a new equivalence between two formulas.
FirstOrderExistentialQuantification(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new existential quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.
FirstOrderUniversalQuantification(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new universal quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.
FormulaTemplate(Formula template, Variable... dummies)
          Initialize a new formula template, based on a formula and a list of dummy variables that appear in the formula.
Implication(Formula antecedent, Formula consequent)
          Initialize a new implication, given an antecedent and a consequent
Negation(Formula negatedFormula)
          Initialize a new negation, given the formula to be negated.
SecondOrderExistentialQuantification(SecondOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new existential quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.
SecondOrderUniversalQuantification(SecondOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new universal quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.