Uses of Class

Uses of FirstOrderVariable in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas that return FirstOrderVariable
 FirstOrderVariable FirstOrderQuantor.getBoundVariable()
          Returns the variable that is bound by this quantor.
 FirstOrderVariable ImmediateDominance.getDominatedVariable()
          Returns the dominated variable.
 FirstOrderVariable ProperDominance.getDominatedVariable()
          Returns the dominated variable.
 FirstOrderVariable Dominance.getDominatedVariable()
          Returns the dominated variable.
 FirstOrderVariable ImmediateDominance.getDominatingVariable()
          Returns the dominating variable.
 FirstOrderVariable ProperDominance.getDominatingVariable()
          Returns the dominating variable.
 FirstOrderVariable Dominance.getDominatingVariable()
          Returns the dominating variable.
 FirstOrderVariable FirstOrderEquality.getFirstVariable()
          Returns the first variable.
 FirstOrderVariable Inclusion.getIncludedVariable()
          Returns the included variable.
 FirstOrderVariable Precedence.getPrecededVariable()
          Returns the preceded variable.
 FirstOrderVariable Precedence.getPrecedingVariable()
          Returns the preceding variable.
 FirstOrderVariable FirstOrderEquality.getSecondVariable()
          Returns the second variable.

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas with parameters of type FirstOrderVariable
 Inclusion SetDenotator.contains(FirstOrderVariable that)
          Return the formula that says that variable is an element of this set.
 Dominance FirstOrderVariable.dominates(FirstOrderVariable that)
          Return the formula that says this variable dominates that variable.
 FirstOrderExistentialQuantification FormulaImpl.exists(FirstOrderVariable var)
          Return the existential quantification of this formula over the given first order variable.
 FirstOrderExistentialQuantification Formula.exists(FirstOrderVariable var)
          Return the existential quantification of this formula over the given first order variable.
static FirstOrderExistentialQuantification Formulas.exists(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula form)
          Return the existential quantification of the given formula over the given first order variable.
 FirstOrderUniversalQuantification FormulaImpl.forAll(FirstOrderVariable var)
          Return the universal quantification of this formula over the given variable.
 FirstOrderUniversalQuantification Formula.forAll(FirstOrderVariable var)
          Return the universal quantification of this formula over the given variable.
static FirstOrderUniversalQuantification Formulas.forAll(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula form)
          Return the universal quantification of the given formula over the given variable.
 ImmediateDominance FirstOrderVariable.immediatelyDominates(FirstOrderVariable that)
          Return the formula that says this variable immediately dominates that variable.
 FirstOrderEquality FirstOrderVariable.logicalEquals(FirstOrderVariable that)
          Return the formula that says this variable is equal to that variable.
 Precedence FirstOrderVariable.precedes(FirstOrderVariable that)
          Return the formula that says this variable precedes that variable.
 ProperDominance FirstOrderVariable.properlyDominates(FirstOrderVariable that)
          Return the formula that says this variable immediately dominates that variable.

Constructors in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas with parameters of type FirstOrderVariable
Dominance(FirstOrderVariable dominator, FirstOrderVariable dominated)
          Initialize a new dominance, taking two variables as arguments.
FirstOrderEquality(FirstOrderVariable first, FirstOrderVariable second)
          Initialize a new first order equality, involving two first order variables.
FirstOrderExistentialQuantification(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new existential quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.
FirstOrderUniversalQuantification(FirstOrderVariable var, Formula arg)
          Initialize a new universal quantor, given a variable to bind and a formula to act upon.
ImmediateDominance(FirstOrderVariable dominator, FirstOrderVariable dominated)
          Initialize a new immediate dominance, taking two variables as arguments.
Inclusion(FirstOrderVariable included, SetDenotator containing)
          Initialize a new inclusion, taking two variables as arguments.
Precedence(FirstOrderVariable preceder, FirstOrderVariable preceded)
          Initialize a new precedence, taking two variables as arguments.
ProperDominance(FirstOrderVariable dominator, FirstOrderVariable dominated)
          Initialize a new proper dominance, taking two variables as arguments.