Uses of Class

Uses of AtomicFormula in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas

Subclasses of AtomicFormula in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas
 class Dominance
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node dominates another.
 class FirstOrderEquality
          A class representing the atomic formula that says two first order variables are equal.
 class ImmediateDominance
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node immediately dominates another.
 class Inclusion
          A class representing inclusion of a first order variable in a set denotator.
 class Precedence
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node precedes another.
 class ProperDominance
          A class representing the atomic formula which says one node properly dominates another.
 class SecondOrderEquality
          A class representing the atomic formula that says two variables are equal.
 class Subset
          A class for representing the atomic formula which says a variable is a subset of another variable

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas that return AtomicFormula
 AtomicFormula AtomicFormula.getNormalForm()
          Get a normal form with only conjunction, disjunction, negation and existential quantification.