Uses of Class

Uses of SetDenotator in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas

Subclasses of SetDenotator in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas
 class Predicate
          A class representing a predicate.
 class SecondOrderVariable
          A class representing second order variables in the monadic second order logic.

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas that return SetDenotator
 SetDenotator Inclusion.getContainingVariable()
          Returns the containing variable.
 SetDenotator SecondOrderEquality.getFirstVariable()
          Returns the first variable.
 SetDenotator SecondOrderEquality.getSecondVariable()
          Returns the second variable.
 SetDenotator Subset.getSubsetVariable()
          Returns the subset variable.
 SetDenotator Subset.getSupersetVariable()
          Returns the superset variable.

Methods in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas with parameters of type SetDenotator
 Inclusion that)
          Return the formula that says this variable is an element of that set.
 SecondOrderEquality SetDenotator.logicalEquals(SetDenotator that)
          Return the formula that says this set is equal to that set.
 Subset SetDenotator.subset(SetDenotator that)
          Return the formula that says this set is a subset of that set.
 Subset SetDenotator.superset(SetDenotator that)
          Return the formula that says this set is a superset of that set.

Constructors in de.uni_tuebingen.sfb.lichtenstein.formulas with parameters of type SetDenotator
Inclusion(FirstOrderVariable included, SetDenotator containing)
          Initialize a new inclusion, taking two variables as arguments.
SecondOrderEquality(SetDenotator first, SetDenotator second)
          Initialize a new equality, involving two set denotators.
Subset(SetDenotator subSet, SetDenotator superSet)
          Initialize a new subset formula, involving the variable which is a subset and the variable which is a superset.