Papers, manuscripts and references

(most of 'em anyway...)

Here is a growing collection of recent manuscripts dealing with Chomsky's Minimalist Program (follow links to abstracts).

The copy language paper is an exercise in using a version of Stabler's formalization of minimalist derivations. The representational minimalism paper examines chain-based approaches to minimalism, à la Brody, and argues for an approach to grammar which has both derivational and representational interpretations which are equivalent. This argument is taken up and developed further in the LACL paper. The type-logical perspective paper makes use of multimodal categorial deductive systems to implement minimalist derivations, and uses the "Curry-Howard Morphism" to connect deductive proofs using movement to static, chain-based representations, an idea which is developed at considerably greater length in the manuscript "A Calculus..."

Here is a collection of papers on Tree Automata and MSO Tree Logics.

"Model Theoretic Syntax." -- and James Rogers. The Glot International State of the Article Book 1 (to appear). Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng and Rint Sybesma, eds. Holland Academic Graphics, The Hague. [A review article of work in the general area of tree-logics, both modal and classical, with long bibliography.] [gzipped postscript]

"On Determining the Consistency of Partial Descriptions of Trees." Ms., 1996, based on a paper of the same name which appeared in 32nd ACL Proceedings, 163-170 (1994). This version adds two appendices which push the original work forward a bit. [postscript]

"On the Relation between Representational and Processing Models of Asyntactic Comprehension." Brain and Language 50 304-324 (1995).

Gail Mauner , Victoria A. Fromkin , and -- . "Comprehension and Acceptability Judgments in Agrammatism: Disruptions in the Syntax of Referential Dependency." Brain and Language 45, 340-370 (1993).

Description Theory, Licensing Theory and Principle-Based Grammars and Parsers. UCLA Ph.D. thesis (1992). UCLA Dissertations in Linguistics Number 19.

  • 2-up, a4 paper, postscript.
  • Uuencoded, gzipped, US letter paper, postscript.

  • Last modified March 25, 1999
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